
FAQs - QuickBooks


Why hasn’t my PO (purchase order) number been uploaded to QuickBooks?

QuickBooks doesn't have a dedicated "PO number" field that Breww can use. Instead, they have "Custom fields", which you can set up with a name and whether you'd like them displayed on your sales invoices. When uploading an invoice to QuickBooks, Breww checks for a custom field called "PO number" (which QuickBooks may now create as a custom field by default), "PO reference", or "PO no". If a custom field with this name exists, Breww will populate it with the PO number from the invoice in Breww.

There is a thread on the QuickBooks forum as to how to manage your custom fields (here). Follow that guide to add a custom field called "PO number", and Breww will start populating this value in QuickBooks.

If you've renamed this field to something else, you'll need to rename it to "PO number", "PO reference", or "PO no" in order for Breww to find and use it.

