
Ecommerce & POS


Linking Breww to your online sales platforms

Breww is integrated with a number of sales platforms, including Shopify and WooCommerce. All integrations work in the same way and all the information on this page applies to all, unless otherwise stated.

What will the integration do?

Breww's sales platform integration will keep the stock of all your products up to date on your online shop or platform. It will also pull down orders placed on them into Breww, and mark them as fulfilled when they are dispatched in Breww. It will even auto-dispatch orders that come down already fulfilled if your delivery settings allow smallpack auto-assignment.

Warning: As Breww can update your stock levels on your sales platform (this can be turned off entirely or on a per-product basis), it might lead to some of your products appearing out of stock when you would prefer to be taking orders. Typically the platforms that we integrate with allow you to specify whether you would like to still receive orders despite being out of stock, so please check your settings and your platform's documentation to make sure there are no surprises. Often this is known as "back-orders".

Connecting Breww to your provider

The first step is to grant Breww access to your account with your provider. To connect, navigate to our Integrations -> Ecommerce & POS page and select the online sales provider you would like to connect to.

Follow the on-screen instructions on how to connect to your specific provider. Each provider is slightly different, so you'll need to follow the instructions displayed for your specific provider.

Before connecting, you will be asked how you would like the integration to work, as there are a number of config options that allow you to personalise the sort of behaviour you would like. Firstly you will need to specify from which date you would like to download orders. You can then choose to download all orders under one customer, or download individual customer information. You can also specify that you want the exact stock levels in Breww to be reflected on your sales platform, or that you would like to display the maximum possible products you could create based on existing stock. All config options are explained in detail next on the configuration form, so make sure to read through the explanations to ensure you are happy with how the integration will work.

🧰 Just getting started with Breww? If you are following the getting started guide, we recommend not syncing your stock levels now and instead returning to the integration configuration after you have imported your initial packaged beer stock to prevent your sales platform stock levels from being compromised.

Making a clean transition from your previous process/software

It's important to make sure you make a clean transition from how you previously handled these orders to handling them via Breww. This will ensure that no orders get missed or get processed twice. To make this easy, you can specify an "Ignore orders before" date in the integration settings.

We suggest that you pick a fixed date/time to make a clean break and set this as the "Ignore orders before" date/time. All orders before this time will be handled in your previous way and all orders after will be handled in Breww. You can also adjust this date/time at any point if you change your mind, but bear in mind that if an order is already in Breww and you move this date into the future, this will not remove the orders already in Breww.

Often, our customers will set up the integration a short while before their switchover date, to give them a chance to map all products before the date arrives to ensure that there's no rush to map all the products. It's also possible to disable stock syncing, so this can be toggled on when you're ready to go live too. If stock syncing is enabled, but orders are not being imported to Breww, then Breww may be syncing incorrect stock levels.

Mapping your products

After integrating with your provider, you will need to map the products that you have in Breww to the products on your provider. Breww will attempt to auto-match Breww's product codes with the SKU on your provider, but any that don't match will need manually matching. In Integrations -> Ecommerce & POS, under the Actions drop-down on the right-hand side of your integration, click Product mapping, from there you can map the products from each platform.

Products I don't want to map

There may be some products that you do not want to come into Breww from your sales platform. In this case, you can use the option to "Mark as not needing mapping and to never import orders containing this product". It is important to consider when you want to use this option, as it will prevent any orders with that product, regardless of what else is on it, from coming into Breww. This is done by using the red cross on a product line in the mapping tool. If you do choose this option Breww will present a warning asking if you are sure you wish to mark this as not needing mapping.

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If you are stuck with a sync message that states There is a product on this order which is not mapped. All products must be mapped from the mapping screen for the order to be imported. You will need to resolve this in the mapping tool. If this product is missing from the mapping tool, you will want to see our guide on Products missing from my ecommerce mapping tool. Even if the product and order that the sync message relates to is a test, you will still need to let Breww know it does not need mapping and not to import it.

Edit a mapping

If you ever need to edit an existing product mapping, this can be done by revisiting the mapping tool, finding the product and selecting the pencil icon to "edit mapping for the product". Upon clicking the button to edit the mapping, a small window will appear and give you the option to change the Breww product that this e-commerce or POS product is mapped to. Doing this will update the mapping for all future orders.

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Syncing stock levels (defaults)

🧰 Just getting started with Breww? If you are following the getting started guide, we recommend not syncing your stock levels now and instead returning to the integration configuration after you have imported your initial packaged beer stock to prevent your sales platform stock levels from being compromised.

Once your products are mapped between Breww and your sales platform, you can turn allow Breww to sync your stock levels with your sales platform.

You will have the option within your sales platform integration configuration page to choose a "Site to use for order fulfilment and stock syncing (optional)". This will allow you to limit the stock synced to your sales platform to only stock at a specific site. If this is not set, Breww will sync your overall theoretical max figure across all sites.

You can then choose whether you wish to sync your stock levels by default, meaning unless you override this on an individual product basis, Breww will either always sync stock levels of any mapped products or never sync stock levels.

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Next, you can set the "Available stock calculation method". This determines which stock figure should be uploaded. You will have the choice of either of the following:

  • Quantity that could be assembled from product components, minus quantity allocated to invoices ("Theoretical max" stock figure). If you are not sure, pick this option.
  • Quantity in stock minus quantity allocated to invoices ("Available" stock figure)
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If you have chosen to set a Site to use for order fulfilment and stock syncing this stock calculation method will be used to choose what stock figure from that site to use.

For more information on stock figures check out our guide on Understanding stock levelsο»Ώ.

Syncing stock levels (product level)

In the sales platform integration product mapping tool, you can choose how stock is synced on a product level. At the end of a row in the mapping tool, you will see 4 icons. The pencil icon will allow you to edit the product mapping, and this includes the stock syncing level options. By default, this is set to use the integration's defaults, as in what you have set in the integration configuration page in the previous steps, but you can also choose here to have individual product stock levels never sync or always sync, overriding the account default.

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If your stock levels are not syncing correctly, please check your products in your sales platform and ensure that if there is an option to control whether the product is "inventory tracked", this is on, as otherwise, we will upload stock figures, but your sales platform will not use or display them.

Uploading sales to your accountancy provider

You may choose to have Breww upload your e-commerce or POS orders and or payments to your accountancy provider. This can be controlled on the e-commerce or POS platform configurations page.

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If you opt to upload orders, each e-commerce order or POS transaction will come across as its own invoice (as opposed to some sales platforms, which summarise sales and payment as an end-of-day figure), and if you choose to upload payments, this is based on the payment made by the customer for that transaction and does not consider any fees you may incur from the platform as this does not have any bearing on the amount paid (You can read more on this is our Handle transaction feesο»Ώ guide). In cases where you wish to use Breww to manage stock and dispatches but would rather have the sales platform directly upload orders and payments to your accountancy platform, you can set both of these settings to "No".

Updating the configuration

You can update your config options at any time via the Configuration option under the Actions drop-down to the right of your integration.

Which sales platform integrations does this apply to?

This information applies to all of our ecommerce (webshop) and point-of-sale (POS/EPOS) integrations, including:

  • Shopify
  • WooCommerce
  • Sellar
  • SIBA BeerFlex DDS
  • Squarespace
  • Zettle (previously known as iZettle)
  • Square
  • Ecwid
  • EeBria
  • BigCommerce
  • ShopWired
  • Wix

If you use multiple sales platforms, it is possible to set all of these up in Breww, as you are not restricted to just one. Likewise, if you use one platform but have multiple accounts, for example, two Shopify accounts, one for trade and one for retail, you can set up multiple integrations with one platform by repeating the setup process, selecting the relevant Sales platform as many times as you need from the integrations list.

Just getting started with Breww? The next guide is Accountancy software integrationsο»Ώ or you can return to theGetting Started Guideο»Ώ.
