Deliveries & Distribution

Locking own-vehicle delivery runs


Your own-vehicle deliveries can be organised into delivery runs. Typically each vehicle will make one delivery run on each day where it's needed, but it's possible for a vehicle to have multiple runs scheduled (for example, to come back to the brewery to load more deliveries part-way through the day).

Delivery runs can be locked, and we would recommend doing this when you don't want them to change. If you have decided which deliveries are going to be on which run (or vehicle), you will likely want to prevent accidental changes to this at the point you start picking these orders to load the vehicle.

How to lock a run

The simplest way is to navigate to the run and choose the Lock run option from the Run actions button. All orders on the run must be confirmed to manually lock a run.

There is also a Automatically lock own-vehicle delivery runs when marking them as dispatched (vehicle departed) in Delivery settings. This is enabled by default and will ensure that the run is locked automatically when it is marked as dispatched. If this isn't desirable, you can disable this option.

To lock a run manually, all orders must be Confirmed (or Invoiced). If you have the setting enabled to automatically lock runs upon dispatch, the run may still be locked, even if not all the orders have been Confirmed.

How to unlock a run

To unlock a delivery run, navigate to the run and choose the Unlock run option from the Run actions button. This is in the same place as the Lock run button would be on a run that isn't locked.

Who can lock/unlock runs

You will need the Lock/unlock delivery runs permission to lock or unlock a delivery run. If you don't have this permission on your user account, please ask an admin user in your business to grant you this permission. If a user without this permission dispatched a run, this will still result in the run being automatically locked (if you have this setting enabled).

What details are locked when a run is locked

When a run is locked, you will be prevented from making changes to:

  • The products on the orders in the run.
  • The delivery address (or customer) of the orders on the run.
  • The route/drop order (i.e. which delivery is first, which is second, etc).
  • Orders cannot be reverted to draft status (which, in turn, restricts some things from being modified).
