
Cleaning & maintenance records (CIP)


Creating cleaning and maintenance processes and schedules in Breww enhances your traceability and allows you to record when cleaning and maintenance procedures occur accurately. You can even add readings taken during a process, such as an ATP reading on a fermentation vessel, and any stock items used in a process, such as any cleaning detergents, to help log all the necessary data to make sure your records are up to date, and procedures are being followed.

Cleaning & maintenance processes

Cleaning and maintenance processes refer to the primary procedure surrounding the activity. For example, a process on a fermentation vessel could be 'FV CIP'. This process can then be applied to multiple fermentation vessels.

To add a cleaning and maintenance process, head to Production->View->Cleaning & maintenance->Add process.

You can then give the process a name, a process 'type' and process instructions. There are also two checkboxes: one that enables the process to require a sign-off from another Breww user to ensure work is getting double-checked and an option to block equipment from being used if a process has not been completed.

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You will now be able to add your required stock items for the process and any readings and measurements that need to take place during the process. You can also select if these are required before completing the process.

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Cleaning & maintenance schedules

By selecting the Add schedule button, you will be able to add a schedule for a specific piece of equipment that uses this process, and select from the following fields. For this example, I have created a CIP schedule for FV7 to be cleaned every time it is used, with the next one due after the next time it is used.

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On completion of this, your cleaning and maintenance schedules for different items of equipment will be listed in the process.

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Completing your cleaning and maintenance records and unblocking equipment

Any cleaning and maintenance records that are due will show at the bottom of the main batch screen, where you can view the cleaning record via the view record button (alternatively, you can select to view a vessel to view any records due).

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Any equipment where the process requires it to get blocked will now be prevented from being used and marked with a cleaning and maintenance vessel icon.

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When on the cleaning record, you will see the option to Mark as in progress, allowing the rest of your team to see that this has been started. You can also add your stock item that is required for this process; in this example, it is caustic.

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Once this has been marked as in progress and your stock items have been added, the cleaning record will be marked with key information regarding the stock item used, including when it was used and by whom.

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Any readings & measurements can then be entered, for example, an ATP reading, which again will mark this onto your cleaning record. You can also add any files, photos and attachments related to the record.

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Once all the required actions in the process are completed, you will see your Record log & notes automatically populated with the relevant data. You will then be able to fill in the Add notes to record box to add any additional comments to the record.

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If you then select Complete, you will see the cleaning record is marked as completed, so long as you don't have the sign-off requirement turned on for the process. If you do have this on, you will get a message of You did this, so someone else is requried for sign-off. Another Breww user can then head to record and select Sign-off & complete.

Viewing your historical cleaning and maintenance records

Upon completing your cleaning and maintenance record, the equipment will be unblocked and ready for use! You will then be able to view your record history by viewing a vessel and then Cleaning and maintenance records, alternatively you could head to View->Cleaning & maintenance->Manage equipment, and select to view the equipment. You will then have your historical cleaning & maintenance records for the piece of equipment listed. Below is an example of the vessel 'FV7'.

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You can also access a full record history by selecting View->Cleaning & maintenance->View records->View record history, where you will be able to filter your records by using the Breww QL filter.