Syncing to Mailchimp
Breww is integrated with Mailchimp to allow you to manage your marketing campaigns within Mailchimp, but without you needing to manually sync your Breww customers & contacts.
You can choose to sync all your customers, or a subset of them (by creating a Customer List within Breww). The list (or audience) must already exist in Mailchimp, then Breww can take over control of the members. Breww will automatically sync your data daily, and ensure new customers are added to the list when needed and old customers removed when required.
Please note: When Breww is asked to sync with a list in Mailchimp, Breww will modify this list to match the data in Breww. This might include removing existing subscribers, adding new subscribers and overwriting tags & other data fields. We recommend backing up (exporting) your existing Mailchimp list data before enabling the integration on a pre-existing list, so you have a copy in case it's needed for any reason.
Breww will never send emails via your Mailchimp account on your behalf. When you need to send marketing emails to your contacts list, you still design these within Mailchimp's powerful platform, the benefit of this integration is that you don't need to keep the contact list in sync with Breww manually.
This integration is available for no extra charge on all Breww price plans. We have plans to integrate with other similar marketing platforms, so if you'd like an integration with another provider, please do let us know.
To get started, head to Integrations > Marketing, and scroll down the page until you see Mailchimp. Next, click the Set up Mailchimp now button.
Breww will need a name for this integration and your consent for data transfer. The name allows you to distinguish between multiple Mailchimp accounts if you need to add more than one (for example, if you manage a number of brands). If you only have one Mailchimp account, the default name is probably a good choice.
You'll be taken to Mailchimp to login
And asked to confirm to Mailchimp that you're happy to grant Breww access to your account.
Once you're back to Breww and access has been granted, you need to click the orange button to configure which customers/contacts you'd like Breww to sync with which list (audience) in Mailchimp.
From the "list management" page, you can add your first list with the green button in the top-right. You'll be presented with a form to confirm how you'd like the list to sync. You'll need to confirm which tags you'd like Breww to sync to Mailchimp. (Note: Mailchimp has a limit of 60 tags per account.)
Once the list sync has been set up, you'll see a screen like in the below image. Breww will start a sync of the new list automatically.
If the sync is having any issues, you'll see an orange View sync messages button below the sync status. This button allows you to see why Mailchimp rejected Breww's request.
There are also a number of other buttons, as shown in the above image. Most notably, there is a button to force a sync from Breww to Mailchimp immediately. This is ideal if you know you have newly added/updated customers in Breww that you'd like added to Mailchimp now, rather than waiting for the daily automatic sync.
Breww will include some basic information about the customer in what we provide to Mailchimp to help you create targeted and personalised campaigns. This information includes the customer type, customer group name, price book, last order date, tags and more.
Please let us know if you have any questions about using Breww's Mailchimp integration.