
Product assembly


In Breww, assembling products is the process of building a mixed-pack or multi-pack product from the source components. For example, if you have bottles of Beer A and Beer B in stock, but have sold a product that contains 3 bottles of each, in order to deliver the mixed-pack product, it will first need to be assembled from these two stocks of bottles. Likewise, if you sell a 12 pack of bottles and only have "singles" in stock in Breww.

Disassembling refers to the opposite process - for example, if you have some 24 packs of a beer in stock and a customer has ordered an individual bottle, you may need to split one 24 pack into 24 individual bottles to fulfil the order. The remaining 23 bottles will be in stock still for subsequent orders (or to be assembled into other products).

Automatic assembly and disassembly of products

Breww can assemble and disassemble products automatically to fulfil your orders. (We recommend using this to save you time, but if you don't want to do this, you can disable these options and manually manage your products.)

To let Breww automatically handle this for you, go to Settings -> Delivery settings -> Auto-assign products (tab). If the auto-assemble/disassemble tool is enabled, product reformatting will occur at the point of stock assignment within an order. When reformatting stock, Breww takes into account the "theoretical max" stock valueβ€”we have a help page on that.


If you want to assemble or disassemble products manually, see the processes described below.

Manual assembly of products

Single smallpack products can be assembled into a multi-pack product in the same way by going to the multipack product page (the product you would like to assemble), clicking Actions and then clicking Assemble product.

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The product you are assembling will then be selected, and you will be able to enter the site where you are assembling the product, as well as the quantity being assembled.

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You can then select the stock to use from your stock pool of individual components, and the quantity to use from a specific batch.

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Alternatively, you could head to Products->Tools & reports->Assemble product, where you will select from the product you would like to assemble.

Manual disassembly of products

Smallpack multi-pack products can be disassembled by going to the multipack product page, clicking Actions and then clicking Disassemble product. This will then allow you to pick the location of the product that is being disassembled and the quantity.

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Why isn't Breww assembling/disassembling products into different formats on dispatch as expected?

Breww will only reassemble your packaging formats when you have enabled the Auto Assemble / Auto Disassemble product functions in Settings > Delivery settings > Auto assign products. Once enabled, Breww will reformat your products on dispatch to ensure you're able to meet your order requirements.

There are a few related options to give you full control, but in a general sense, enabling these options will ensure that Breww will assemble individual cans or bottles into your multi-packs (e.g. 12 pack of bottles) and your mixed-packs (e.g. a sample box of 6 different beers). Breww can also (if you request it), disassemble your multi-packs and mixed-packs into their component cans/bottles as required to fulfil your orders.

If you prefer to always know for sure how many bottles you have as singles, plus how many in mixed-packs and multi-packs, you can leave these options off and manually convert between packaging formats yourself. It's entirely up to you how you'd like to run your business.