🧰 Getting Started Guide
Adding your data

Managing container types


Individual container types should be set up for all your base beer packaging, be it a firkin, non-returnable keg or 440ml can. To create a container type, go to Containers ->Add new container type. You can then choose your container type name, gross capacity, taxable capacity and type. The three types to choose from are cask, keg or smallpack. It is important that your container types are for the base containers only, not multipacks. For example, "440ml can" can be a container type, but not "24 x 440ml can". Multipacks are products made from multiple single container types.

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🧰 Just getting started with Breww? If you are following the getting started guide, then the next steps can be skipped for now, as these will be covered later on in the getting started guide once your products are also in Breww. The next guide is Adding beers/drinks or you can return to the 🧰 Getting Started Guide.

Adding default packaging stock items to your containers.

Within a container type, you can specify which "default packaging stock items" (if any) are always used when racking into that specific container type. For example, a 330ml can container type may always use a 330ml can from your stock, in addition to a can lid, and for a firkin, you might use 1 x shive and 1 x keystone. This is especially useful for tracking cost and inventory during the racking process. These items will be used by default when packaging directly from a vessel or container, in addition to any stock items assigned directly to the product. Default packaging stock items can be added by editing an existing container type. For more information on adding your stock items, please see our guide: Assigning Stock Itemsο»Ώ.

You will always be asked to confirm the use of these items during racking so that you can ensure the correct usage of any stock items and add or remove any items if needed. When you assign stock items to a container type, Breww will automatically calculate the number needed on the "Stock items used" page of the racking process. However, you can always adjust the number if needed.

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Non-returnable container stock items

Non-returnable container stock can be recorded in the Stock items section by creating a stock item for them, e.g. Kegstar 30L keg. You can then assign these stock items to the relevant container type (see above), which will be used automatically when packaging the container type. If you've already assigned packaging stock items to products and would like to make them a default for a container instead, Breww has a tool to help, and if there are any duplicates, this tool will appear to assist you.