
hL of alcohol produced


Find out the total hL of alcohol produced in Breww for the previous year

Breww will automatically calculate whether you qualify for Small Producer Relief and your reduced rates based on the production volumes you enter in Beer duty -> Annual estimate & settings. Unlike the old Small Brewers Relief, the new regime doesn't use the total hL of beer produced in the previous calendar year. Instead, a production year is now the 12 months from the 1st of February until the 31st of January the following year, and it is based on the total hL of alcohol produced in the previous production year, only including products produced that are over 1.2% ABV.

It is possible to enter these figures into Breww now, and we recommend entering them before the 1st of February each year, as they will be required before you can dispatch any orders from then.

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You can easily get this figure from Breww's Total volume packaged report in Reporting -> Pre-built Production & inventory report (or you can also navigate to it from Beer duty ->View -> Total packaged report).

This report allows you to filter your final packaged volumes by the key information affecting your alcohol production total for the purposes of Small Producers Relief. These include allowing you to include only products over a certain ABV (e.g. over 1.2% ABV), only include batches with a certain duty payment option on them (e.g. were they produced under your licence or not), and an option to remove lost or spoiled volumes that were destroyed before leaving the excise duty point (which Section 57(3)(a) of the draft legislation states can be removed from your production total).

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