
CRM reporting


Customer activity logged in Breww can be reported on and accessed from three locations:

  • The CRM reporting report in the Leads section
  • The aggregate data report builder in the Reporting section
  • The raw data explorer in the Reporting section

CRM reporting

You can access the CRM report by heading to Leads -> CRM reporting.

Activity targets

Within this section, you will be able to create Default CRM targets; you will also be able to override your default targets on a given month if you think they should be higher or lower for that specific month.

Setting customer CRM activity targets

To set your CRM activity targets for your active customers, simply select the edit pencil. Here, you can enter both the default targets and any overrides for the month.

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Setting lead status CRM activity targets

To set your default targets, select the Default CRM targets button. You can enter any overrides for the month via the edit pencil against the lead status.

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Hitting targets

As you enter CRM activities, the report will update to include these entries. This will display the Current total alongside the target for the month and the Target to date. 'The target to date' figure is based on the day of the month that you look at the report, and this will display the expected activity to have taken place. In the example below, the Target to date for 'Call' activity to customers is 12.8. This is simply looking at your target (18) divided by the number of days in the month (31) multiplied by the number of days in the month so far (22). If you are on target, then this field will be displayed in orange. If you are not on target for the month, it will display in red; if you achieved your target, it will be in green.

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Other reportable data

This section contains other handy CRM reports, such as total conversions, lead loss reporting, and activity by sales person.

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Aggregate data report builder

Explore your CRM activity data by activity type, user, and customer type, and build an aggregate report that you can view as a chart or a data table. You can also filter your data via the BrewwQL filter and export it to Excel.

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Raw data explorer

The Customer (CRM) activities report in the Raw data explorer enables you to explore the specific lines of data entered for CRM activities. You can also look at other customer, supplier, lead and contact data via the other reports below. You can filter your data using the BrewwQL filter and export it to Excel.

To explore reporting further, we recommend reading the Aggregate/Raw data reportsο»Ώ help guide.

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